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Workshop: Pitching to Funding Agencies

Mange fonde ønsker i dag et skarpt mundligt pitch fra ansøgerne, når de skal tage stilling til millionbevillinger. Publicér kan hjælpe forskere med at forberede en klar og gennemarbejdet præsentation af projektet - både de mundtlige og visuelle aspekter.


The aim of this workshop is to maximize the chance of funding once a project manager is invited for an interview at a funding agency. The workshop provides the participants with the ability to present in a crystal clear way what the project is about, and why their new idea, research, device or method is needed in society. In close collaboration we will organize your presentation and talk it over slide by slide. We will ask the critical questions that you should be prepared for at the interview.

Former participants have given the workshop top ratings:

»Clear direct feedback«

»I am generally very satisfied with the preparation you gave me«

»Thanks for the fruitful workshop«

A Program Manager at DTU Wind Energy, allowed us to publish his statment on our pitching workshop:

»As a researcher it is important to be able to give a clear and understandable explanation of your research topic or area. In the hunt for research grants, you cannot obtain funding without these skills. Often we experience that our researchers are too focused on the technical details, and they communicate in a language only their peers can understand and benefit from. Marianne and Rie’s workshop on how to pitch your research has improved the researchers’ communication skills significantly, and I believe the workshop has contributed to our success in achieving funding.«

Further info and booking:

Journalist Marianne Bom  

+45 26282341,

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